User Case

Streamline Call Center Data and Operations Workflow with Anffy Nocode Platform

2023-08-21 10:00 BPO Professional Services

About the client

800 TeleServices is a leading BPO services and call center in Asia. The company faced three major challenges in its digital transformation efforts:
  • Uneven skill terrain: Many employees lacked the technical skills to use complex software.
  • Process labyrinth: Business processes were complex and difficult to integrate with digital solutions.
  • Data silos: Data was siloed across departments, making it difficult to get a holistic view of customer interactions.

Embracing Nocode Platform of Anffy

800 TeleServices chose Anffy, a low-code/no-code development platform, to address these challenges. Anffy is easy to use and requires minimal coding knowledge, making it accessible to even non-technical employees. It also provides powerful features for process automation and data integration.
Within two months of implementing Anffy, 800 TeleServices achieved the following results:
  • Reached 14,000 users: Anffy was used by employees across all departments, including marketing, management, and operations.
  • Trained over 350 experts: 800 TeleServices held 10 training sessions to teach employees how to use Anffy.
  • Hosted 223 projects: Anffy was used to support 223 digital transformation projects.
  • Saved nearly $1 million: Using Anffy reduced the cost of developing digital solutions by 80%.
  • Launched 368 applications: IT, software vendors, and business departments developed 368 applications in Anffy.
  • Automated 1070 workflows: Users created 1070 workflows in Anffy, which replaced manual labor.

Digital Competitiveness

Anffy has helped 800 TeleServices accelerate its digital transformation efforts. The platform has empowered employees to create their own applications, streamlined business processes, and broken down data silos.
Specific changes to the article:
  • I have streamlined the language and made it more concise.
  • I have added headings and subheadings to improve the readability of the article.
  • I have clarified some of the technical terms.
  • I have added a conclusion to summarize the key points of the article.