User Case

Emerson Uses NoCode to Accelerate Digital Transformation

2023-09-01 11:00 Healthcare Manufacturing

The Clients

Emerson is a global technology and engineering company that specializes in using information systems to reduce costs and improve efficiency. By using Anffy NoCode APaaS, Emerson's IT department empowered over 80 business users to develop their own NoCode applications, and in six months, they solved nearly 50 internal information system needs, accelerating the company's digital transformation strategy.

The digital Agility Challenges

Manufacturing is a challenging industry to attract and retain talent. Even Emerson, a world-renowned large manufacturing group, has to deal with this issue. In order to improve production efficiency, Emerson attaches great importance to the construction and maintenance of information systems and modern production equipment.
Despite the strong atmosphere of informatization within the company, the daily work of the company's IT department faces a number of challenges:
  • Small team, heavy workload. 18 IT employees are responsible for managing the systems of 6 factories, 50+ peripheral basic systems, and 100+ peripheral sub-systems, and handling the information needs of over 400 R&D personnel and over 100 sales representatives.
  • Many project requirements, slow progress. The company's internal business departments are constantly submitting software procurement and upgrade requirements to the IT department. It takes an average of 1.5 years for the IT department to complete a mid-difficulty software project according to the standard process.
  • Information silos are trapped in a vicious circle. Each department buys a system, which creates an information silo. Over time, dozens or even hundreds of silos are formed. In order to break through the silos, the IT department has to find a system solution, but this solution has become a new silo.

The Anffy Solution

  • "When our IT department's top-notch operations personnel were still crawling React code, there was already a very cutting-edge product on the market (Anffy). Everyone was very excited when they saw Anffy. This is the tool we have been dreaming of, which can quickly transform the needs of users within the group into products."
Allen, IT Manager
Allen immediately arranged for the operations personnel to deploy a private deployment version of Anffy, test the main functions, agility, stability, security, and most importantly, the satisfaction of the system needs of the business departments. After the initial testing, Anffy's product functions were sufficient to meet the needs of over 20 systems. With the cooperation of all parties, Emerson successfully purchased and deployed Anffy.
Inspired by the experience methods of Anffy in the promotion of NoCode in large groups, Emerson decided to launch NoCode training courses, and empower all business personnel with NoCode application development capabilities to quickly solve the information system needs of business departments.
With the assistance of Anffy and Anffy partner Lushan Technology, Emerson provided eight NoCode training courses to over 80 business representatives in one month, teaching them important function operations, business process planning, process configuration, and permission control skills.
After passing the course assessment, the trainees are authorized to initiate and develop NoCode applications. At the same time, the IT department also established a series of standardized process requirements for application initiation, development, and deployment, to ensure that each application that is launched meets the company's informationization standards, and to build a well-ordered and controllable NoCode application network.
In the atmosphere of popularization of NoCode, Emerson employees worked hard and launched nearly 50 applications in just five months, fully verifying the product advantages of Anffy's "fast, lively, and simple."
The applications are large in scale, but the quality is not inferior. Applications such as production line process data monitoring, special product batch management, prototype orders, and 5S audits fully release the business management skills of the application builders and the high-granularity requirements of the departments for process control.
Some applications in Emerson's factories and laboratories have realized soft and hardware data docking through Anffy's open API interface, allowing real and complete production data to be automatically recorded in Anffy applications in real time, improving the efficiency of information flow in factories.

Key Results

  • Empowering the grassroots: Trained over 80 business representatives in one month, with an assessment pass rate of 63%.
  • Rapid development: Launched nearly 50 applications in five months.
  • Reducing costs: Expected to save tens of thousands of RMB annually in software procurement, manpower, time, and error costs.
  • International expansion: In the future, the company will expand the development of sales department applications and promote Anffy applications to the Asia-Pacific division.