Anffy offers a suite of powerful add-on tools to boost your team's productivity

Smart Printing

OCR text scanning


Self-Designed Tools

ePrinting Solutions
You can easily create templates by editing Word or PDF files and upload them to the system. Our platform supports ePrinting in both Word and PDF formats, making it incredibly user-friendly. Plus, it's an eco-conscious choice that helps save paper and promotes environmental sustainability.
OCR Solutions
Anffy's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is designed to convert text from images or handwritten notes into machine-encoded text. Through Smart Data Extraction, our system can seamlessly read and process this converted text. This innovative technique eliminates the need for manual input, resulting in a significantly faster and error-free process.
Anffy empowers you to incorporate electronic signatures at various stages of your workflow, whether it's in approval requests or co-signing processes. This feature eliminates the need for manual signatures, saving your team valuable time and contributing to increased productivity.
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