Terms of Services

1. Special Notice

1.1 Anffy No Code Work platform Creator (hereinafter referred to as "Anffy") is a data management tool developed by Escom Mav Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Escom"). "Convenience and Security" are the core services provided by Anffy. Please carefully read the Anffy Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "these terms"). If you agree to these terms, you may register as a user (hereinafter referred to as "user") of Anffy and avail yourself of the services provided. If you do not agree to these terms, please cease using Anffy immediately. These terms apply to all services provided by Anffy.

1.2 If a user wishes to purchase Anffy, they must contact our company before the purchase and negotiate the signing of a written or online service agreement. The specific service details and terms shall be governed by a separate service agreement signed by both parties.

2. Registration

2.1 Visitors, upon checking the "I have read and agree to the Anffy Terms of Service" box on Anffy's registration page, signify acceptance of these terms and complete the registration process, becoming users of Anffy. If a visitor does not agree to these terms or fails to provide relevant information, registration cannot be completed, and the individual cannot become an Anffy user.

2.2 If the user-provided registration information is inaccurate, untrue, or illegal, Anffy reserves the right to terminate services to that user, deactivate their account, and the user shall bear all resulting losses.

3. Account and Password

3.1 Upon completing registration, visitors acquire an Anffy user account and corresponding password. Users are responsible for the safekeeping of their account and password, for which Anffy bears no responsibility.

3.2 Users have the right to change their passwords at any time. In the event of any security breaches or unauthorized use of a user account, users must notify Anffy immediately. If a user illegally accesses another user's account, they shall bear all legal consequences arising from this action.

3.3 Users understand and agree not to use another user's account or password without authorization, and shall bear all resulting losses.

3.4 Users must ensure that the registered Anffy account uses a valid email and mobile number, and authorize Anffy to send information and notifications related to Anffy services to the provided email and mobile number.

4. Rules of Use

4.1 When using Anffy, users must comply with relevant laws and internationally recognized service standards on the internet, including but not limited to adhering to all regulations concerning network security and information security in their respective countries.

4.2 Users must abide by the following principles when using Anffy:

(1) Adhere to all network protocols, regulations, and procedures related to this network service.
(2) Refrain from engaging in any behavior using Anffy that may adversely affect the healthy operation of the internet environment.
(3) Avoid transmitting any harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, vulgar, obscene, or any other illegal information materials through Anffy.
(4) Users must not attempt to access information materials in other user accounts within Anffy using technical or non-technical means without authorization from Anffy.
4.3 Anffy only provides network services related to cloud storage. Any devices (including but not limited to personal computers, phones, and other devices related to accessing the internet or mobile networks) and associated costs required for network services shall be borne by the user.

4.4 If there are changes to user registration information during use, users are responsible for promptly updating accurate and detailed registration information.

4.5 Users are responsible for any actions carried out under their user account, including but not limited to uploading or disseminating text, audio, video, images, software, or other materials, as well as any actions carried out by themselves or others using their account and password. If the user's failure to safeguard their account and password causes losses to Anffy or third parties, the user must compensate Anffy and the third parties for all resulting losses and eliminate any impact.

4.6 Users acknowledge and agree to receive various information services provided by Anffy and third parties while using the services offered by Anffy. Users understand that while using Anffy's services, there might be illegal content from third parties, including but not limited to threats or defamation, and users agree to assume the associated risks.

4.7 To reasonably protect the physical and mental health of minors and keep them away from harmful information, if a user is a minor, they must use Anffy and accept Anffy's services under the guidance and supervision of a guardian. Otherwise, they should immediately stop registering or using Anffy.

5. Changes, Interruptions, or Termination of Service

5.1 Due to the unique nature of Anffy's network services, users agree that Anffy reserves the right to modify, interrupt, or terminate part or all of its network services. If the modification, interruption, or termination concerns free service items, Anffy is not obligated to notify users in advance and is not liable to any user or third party. However, if it involves paid service items, Anffy must notify users one week in advance and negotiate the resolution of any issues regarding payments made but not yet utilized or unpaid. Once the service is canceled or terminated, the user's right to use this service terminates immediately, and any information stored in this service may not be recoverable.

5.2 Anffy may need to periodically or irregularly inspect or maintain the platforms or related equipment that provide network services. If such circumstances cause interruptions in free network services, Anffy is not liable. If paid services are interrupted within a reasonable time, Anffy is not responsible but should provide notice as reasonably possible.

5.3 Anffy bears no responsibility for service interruptions or terminations caused by natural disasters, other information service provider failures, related information equipment and software failures, or any uncontrollable factors. However, Anffy should minimize the impact of such factors on users as much as possible.

5.4 For any user service interruptions or terminations not caused by the above factors, Anffy holds no responsibility for free services. Regarding paid services, Anffy can compensate based on fair and equal negotiation principles, provided that the total compensation does not exceed the total amount paid by the user. If users opt for monthly payments, the total compensation amount must not exceed the monthly payment for the interrupted or terminated service month. If users choose annual payments, the total compensation amount must not exceed the monthly payment for the interrupted or terminated service month.

6. Prohibited Behavior

6.1 Users are prohibited from using Anffy to disseminate sensitive information or information that violates the laws and policies of Singapore, the European Union, the United States, or the user's country, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Posting extreme ideologies, violence, terrorism, pornography, discrimination, or hate speech.
(2) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, or destabilizing society.
(3) Advocating obscenity, gambling, violence, or inciting criminal activities.
(4) Insulting or defaming others, infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests.

7. Fees

7.1 Unless explicitly specified as free service items by Anffy, the use of Anffy incurs charges.

7.2 Users understand and agree that Anffy reserves the right to decide whether newly added service items will be charged. Users have the right to choose to accept or reject such service items. If users accept Anffy's paid service items, they should pay the fees according to Anffy's charging regulations. If users fail to pay or have outstanding fees, Anffy reserves the right not to provide or to suspend the provision of such services to users.

7.3 Anffy has the right to adjust the fees for charged service items based on actual needs, and users have the right to choose whether to accept or reject their use.

8. Personal Information

8.1 Collection of Personal Information

(1) In order to provide basic functionalities of Anffy products and/or services, each user must authorize us to collect and use necessary information, including but not limited to mobile phone numbers, email addresses, passwords, company names, industry sectors, demand scenarios, company scale, names, and job positions. Failure to provide the required information will result in the inability to use Anffy's products and/or services normally.
(2) During the use of Anffy, with the user's authorization, Anffy will also retain user information stored in other third-party platforms such as Google. Refusal to provide such information will hinder the use of corresponding services and additional features provided by Anffy.
(3) Additionally, Anffy may acquire user third-party account information from third parties with user authorization and link it with Anffy accounts, allowing users to log in and use Anffy products and/or services directly through third-party accounts. Anffy will use the relevant information within the scope of user-authorized consent. Refusal to provide this information will prevent the integration between Anffy service accounts and third-party service accounts.
(4) Moreover, the Anffy software may contain third-party SDKs. With your consent, these third-party SDKs may directly collect and process personal information.

8.2 Use of Personal Information

(1) The personal information collected and stored by Anffy is solely used for personal identification purposes and not for other purposes.
(2) Companies will use Anffy's collected personal information for data import, analysis, and identification. For the protection rules regarding personal information by companies, please refer to the company's personal information protection policy.
(3) Third-party service providers configured by companies will obtain the user's workspace remarks, nicknames, email addresses, and phone numbers through Anffy. For personal information and privacy protection methods by third-party service providers, please refer to their personal information and privacy protection policies, and agreements signed between companies and third-party service providers.

8.3 Access and Modification of Personal Information

Users can access and modify personal information by visiting Anffy software products or logging into the website.

8.4 Issue Response

We will separately explain to users the purposes, scope, and usage methods of the corresponding information collection through updates to this policy, pop-ups, or page prompts. We will also provide users with independent choices to consent, and only collect and use information after obtaining explicit user consent. During this process, if users have any questions, opinions, or suggestions, they can contact us through Anffy customer service or the contact information provided in this policy.

9. Privacy Protection

9.1 Protection of User Privacy

Protecting user privacy is a fundamental policy of Anffy. Anffy ensures that it will not disclose or provide individual user registration information or non-public content stored in Anffy to third parties when users utilize network services.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

10.1 Ownership of Intellectual Property

(1) Users acknowledge that the copyright, patent right, trademark right, etc., including but not limited to the source code, object code, documentation, technical solutions related to the licensed software, and any software, materials, and technical solutions provided by Anffy for maintenance and technical support during the performance of this agreement, are owned by Anffy.
(2) Without Anffy's permission, users are not allowed to use or modify any part of the aforementioned intellectual property rights in any form.

10.3 User Works and Third-Party Works

Except as otherwise provided, any works uploaded by users in Anffy, including but not limited to images, music, and videos, are owned by the users ("User Works") or third parties ("Third-Party Works"). Users warrant that they have complete intellectual property rights over the aforementioned User Works. In the case of Third-Party Works, users should obtain permission from the third party or have the legal right to use the Third-Party Works without obtaining permission.
(4) Except as provided by laws and regulations, users are not allowed to use Third-Party Works in any way without the prior permission of the owners of the Third-Party Works. If Anffy receives any reasonable notice from the owner of the Third-Party Works or their authorized representative, Anffy has the right to remove the corresponding infringing works. Users also have the right to submit a statement of no infringement for the aforementioned infringement notice, which should include preliminary evidence of non-infringement.

11. Intellectual Property Infringement

11.1 User Guarantee

Users warrant that User Works or Third-Party Works stored in Anffy do not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and trade secrets.
(2) If User Works or Third-Party Works stored in Anffy by the user lead to a claim by a third party alleging infringement of their intellectual property, the user shall be responsible for handling the aforementioned claims of rights by the third party, bearing all expenses incurred, including but not limited to attorney's fees and infringement compensation. The user agrees that if such infringement occurs, Anffy has the right to remove the aforementioned infringing works.

12. Disclaimer

12.1 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Anffy shall not be liable for any special, incidental, direct, or indirect losses incurred by users due to the use or inability to use the services provided by Anffy.

12.2 Anffy does not provide any explicit or implicit warranties for the services provided. This includes, but is not limited to, not guaranteeing that the services provided by Anffy will meet user requirements or that services will be uninterrupted, timely, or secure.

13. Breach of Responsibility

13.1 If a user causes losses to Anffy due to violating national laws, regulations, or the terms stipulated herein, the user shall compensate Anffy for all losses suffered and eliminate the impact caused.

14. Force Majeure

14.1 Anffy shall not be held responsible for any losses incurred by users due to the inability to use the services provided by Anffy caused by force majeure events. Force majeure events include, but are not limited to: (1) natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, hailstorms, etc.; (2) government actions such as requisition, expropriation, etc.; (3) social abnormal events such as strikes, riots, etc.; (4) computer viruses, hacker attacks, internet, communication line interruptions, and other reasons causing service interruptions.

15. Effectiveness and Duration

15.1 These terms take effect when the user clicks "I accept" during the registration process.

15.2 When a user cancels their username or when Anffy terminates the user's qualification, the user's right to use the service terminates. However, Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, and 17 shall remain effective thereafter.

16. General Provisions

16.1 Anffy reserves the right to notify users of notices, advertisements, etc., by posting on Anffy or sending emails.

16.2 Users understand and agree that Anffy has the right to modify these terms as needed. If users disagree with the changes, they have the right to terminate their relationship with Anffy by discontinuing the service. However, if users continue to use the services provided by Anffy, it signifies their agreement to the modified terms.

16.3 Anffy has the right to transfer any rights or obligations under these terms.

16.4 The titles used in these terms are for readability and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any part of these terms.